Grant Winners for 2016

Can another year have already gone by? Through site visits and our International Ministry Brunch, our hearts were touched by several amazing ministries.

levi-anchor-3The Anchor, run by wounded warrior, ex-military, Levi Moran gives servicemen/women a home away from home, and a place to explore and expand their faith. “Pastor” Levi and team needed a kitchen overhaul and some site improvements to aid in their outreach. Of course we love make-overs and we’re looking forward to seeing the new and improved Anchor!

Nann Gonzalez leads a long-time ministry in Romania called Father’s Care Ministry. Our gift will ensure that FCM will be able to reach out to more orphans and foster children through their summer Vacation Bible School Program this summer because of the connection they made with our members who         voted to give them the International Grant.

We are thrilled for our winners, and our members who are also winners for taking the time to care and give of themselves and their treasure. We have no idea the trickle down effect God will use to touch many more through these organizations.