Contact Us

SEEDS2 San Diego

[email protected]

Local Ministry Liaison:  Angela Kadillak 858-605-8128,  [email protected]

International Ministry Liaison:  Diane Urban 858-208-8414 [email protected]

If you are a 501c3 evangelical ministry interested in submitting a grant proposal, please do these things first:

  • Study our website, especially our Statement of Faith (to know how we think and where our values lie).
  • Check out our Updates page to see the types of ministries we’ve given to in the past. Note that we look for ministries that exhibit sustainability. We are not a relief organization.
  • Note the timing:
    • we send out Letters of Inquiry (LOI) in the late summer (your request for one would need to be in our hands early August);
    • if you’re invited, your proposal would be due by mid Dec.;
    • our Board evaluates all the incoming proposals in early Jan., accepting those that we believe will most resonate with our members;
    • the perspective ministries prepare presentations and make plans to join us in March…
    • … when we have a brunch to introduce our international and local ministry representatives, and offer site visits for the local ministries;
    • a few weeks after that we present all that we’ve learned to our members for a vote;
    • grants are awarded shortly after that (sometime in April and May).
  • Contact us via the information above.