Posts Tagged ‘SEEDS’

SEEDS in Africa!

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010

You’ve really got to watch out when you join SEEDS.  Last year we voted to award one of our grants to GogoGrandmothers in Malawi, Africa. It really touched many of your hearts including MINE!  I am off to Malawi, Africa to visit some of the villages and bring headscarves, panties, sewing kits, knit infant caps and greetings from all of you! Thank you to so many who donated their time and prayers and resources for this adventure. We like to check out those who apply for our grants…we call them site visits and you are all welcome on any of them.  Well, I am doing a “site visit” after the fact and will report back.  Follow me on my travel blog, and meet the folk in Lilongwe, where my husband, Steve, and I will serve for several weeks, and then out to Gogos in and around Blantyre and Zomba!

Yesu, Amakokonda

(posted by Debbie Morales, 2010)