Helping Hands in GREECE — Nikos Stefanidis, the man behind this 16-yr-old, thriving refugee center, sent us this great photo of some of some of the many people they’ve been able to assist over the years. Their center meets everyday needs of these traveling families, from laundry facilities, to meals, to filling out papers, to directions for centers in other countries, etc. Some stay for a few months, other pass through more quickly. Our SEEDS grant funded a heating/air conditioning system that they have needed all these years to keep the heavily trafficked center comfortable. AND, because of our faithful members, our gift was large enough to provide a new washer/dryer!
College Area Pregnancy Services (CAPS) won our local gift, to help in the purchase of an ultrasound machine for their third clinic, this one in the underserved downtown area of San Diego. There are approximately 11 abortion providers in the central corridor of the city (La Mesa to the Beaches). CAPS now has a presence stretching the length of that corridor. All their clinics are close to bus and freeway systems and the colleges they serve. They provide free pregnancy tests, free ultrasounds, and free counseling and follow-up.