Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Grant Winners for 2024

Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

The grant to Urban Life Ministries enabled 65 low to moderate income youth, living in City Heights to attend a 4-day overnight Summer Faith Camp.  This provided a safe environment for spiritual discernment and exposure to the gospel away from the noise and distractions of life in the city.  These youth were touched spiritually, emotionally, and even physically as even rival gang members became brothers in Christ.

Favor International helps communities develop the gifts and talents that God has given by equipping them with resources and opportunities. The grant funded 10 Women’s Empowerment Programs to help end the cycle of poverty and gender inequality by first introducing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to women rural villages and unreached regions in Uganda and South Sudan:  impacting 500-1000 women and their families. Our model of education, empowerment, and investment enables the most marginalized people to bring themselves and their communities out of poverty.


Grant Winners for 2022

Wednesday, July 13th, 2022

Every Generation Ministries (EGM) is leading the way helping churches to develop curricula for building their children’s ministry. Many of their staff are being trained in dealing with sensory needs, high functioning autism, and trauma, and poised to help children not only understand God’s Word, but experience true spiritual transformation in their lives. Children who have been overlooked in church–because of lack of understanding and resources–are making friends, enjoying common play time, and are open to a bigger God.

The mission of Turning Point Pregnancy Resource Center is to bring hope, health, and healing via evermore sophisticated ultrasound machines to women and their partners facing crisis pregnancies. TP’s new center (6400 sq ft) is creating a transformational, life-affirming, licensed medical clinic where women and men can hear the truth about abortion spoken with respect and understanding. Turning Point shares God’s design for humanity–the family unit. When a preborn child can be identified by his/her facial expressions and tiny fingerprints, and responsive to their parents’ voices and heartbeats, the question of abortion becomes much more weighty. Ultrasounds give “windows to the womb” that make what is unseen, seen. Turning Point staff make it clear that each child is made in the image of God. Then they get to actually introduce the parents to their preborn child via the ultrasound.

Grant Winners for 2020

Friday, August 14th, 2020


Angelica Ramos with Kairos Mission International in Swaziland has her work cut out for her.  Supporting 350 children, 1-6-years-old, with six “Little Schools” in six communities. Her schools are the hub of the children’s lives, where they eat breakfast and lunch, are educated, and daily hear the word of God. Our SEEDS grant is providing help in adding one extra classroom per school; a kitchen with a brick stove and eating area for all the kids; fencing to keep the animals away; a rain-collection tank; and toilets, one per school. Yay for toilets!


Understanding that “women with substance use disorder are less likely than men to seek and complete treatment,”SEEDS is partnering with Chico Goff and Green Oak Ranch to create a SEEDS Grant Fund called Project Invite exclusively for women! Project Invite sponsors under-resourced women who want to enter recovery; assist in the payment of medical needs of the women and their dependent children; help with temporary transportation needs (e.g. bus passes); help with cost of necessary support of their minor children; and encourage the education and training of the women. According to the Ranch, “Less than 8% of the recovery facilities in the US provides childcare options, so finding a way to support women with children so they can get the help they need is critical.” We love this!


Grant Winners for 2019

Tuesday, June 18th, 2019

OMUTO UGANDA and Emmaus School, our international grant winner, is the first “installment” of what will hopefully be many such schools throughout Uganda — schools that provide food, clean water, education, and opportunities for local children; that transmit Christian values for developing character and minds; that help the expansion of their villages; and that are ultimately self-sustainable. OMUTO’s requested project funded by SEEDS is electricity for the school, and to power a dormitory for well-paying boarders, whose fees will enable the continued sustenance of the school. And, in the future, the electricity provided by OMUTO will benefit the entire community.

From Moses Muwanguzi, Executive Director: “Your vision must be bigger than you, otherwise it will die with you. We are marching like the Israelites marched around Jericho. We are claiming this community for the Lord and inviting God’s Spirit to cast out the evil spirits that have dwelt here. This school is a picture of God’s kingdom and His blessing in this place.”


Our local SEEDS grant went to Soul Survivor Outdoor, an adventure organization aimed specifically at providing active duty military experiences that challenge their bodies while helping them wrestle with the deep issues of faith, life and death, and meaning. In 2018, SSO hosted more than 400 active duty military at their outdoor events. Another 4,500 attended their suicide prevention, resiliency, and spiritual fitness talks.

At a recent visit to a sky diving field, our hearts were grabbed by the earnest attention these young servicemen/women gave to founder Rick Wolf and his representative as they shared their faith during lunch.

Rick saw to it that we had delicious tacos for lunch that day and welcomed Lauren, one of our members, to go for her own jump!

Grant Winners for 2018

Monday, June 11th, 2018

SAFE Families for Children (parent nonprofit is Olive Crest) is at work in San Diego recruiting more and more families to come alongside parents who need special care for their children for a short amount of time. They’re filling the gap for families who don’t want to be broken apart but need a little respite now and then. The Safe Family and the biological family work together to make decisions that are best for the child and the family. A remarkable 85-95% of families in this movement come back together, often to the most stable environments they’ve ever known. Our grant is making it possible for 18 new SFFC host families to be trained, and 18 new churches to come on line.

The first story we heard about Seeds of Hope Costa Rica from founder Penny Williams was her encounter with a couple of American men talking excitedly about their upcoming “sexcation” in Costa Rica! That struck her as did a visit to a neighborhood where 30-50 teenage girls were being sold for sex by their mothers. In concert with several government agencies, Penny and her team help feed these families only if they come to Bible and English classes and make jewelry that she can sell to finance the costs. Classes on healthy relationships and year-long Bible classes are required for access to some of the funner aspects of the program. All the classes and activities take a toll on their vehicles and that’s where SEEDS San Diego came in, with a good-sized grant for a newer vehicle.  Update: Our gifts were sent in April, and in June we hear that there was enough for a 15-passenger Hyundai van, and a 5-passenger Hyundai Tucson!

Grant Winners for 2017

Monday, October 16th, 2017

Helping Hands in GREECENikos Stefanidis, the man behind this 16-yr-old, thriving refugee center, sent us this great photo of some of some of the many people they’ve been able to assist over the years. Their center meets everyday needs of these traveling families, from laundry facilities, to meals, to filling out papers, to directions for centers in other countries, etc. Some stay for a few months, other pass through more quickly. Our SEEDS grant funded a heating/air conditioning system that they have needed all these years to keep the heavily trafficked center comfortable. AND, because of our faithful members, our gift was large enough to provide a new washer/dryer!

College Area Pregnancy Services (CAPS) won our local gift, to help in the purchase of an ultrasound machine for their third clinic, this one in the underserved downtown area of San Diego. There are approximately 11 abortion providers in the central corridor of the city (La Mesa to the Beaches). CAPS now has a presence stretching the length of that corridor. All their clinics are close to bus and freeway systems and the colleges they serve. They provide free pregnancy tests, free ultrasounds, and free counseling and follow-up.

Grant Winners for 2016

Wednesday, July 13th, 2016

Can another year have already gone by? Through site visits and our International Ministry Brunch, our hearts were touched by several amazing ministries.

levi-anchor-3The Anchor, run by wounded warrior, ex-military, Levi Moran gives servicemen/women a home away from home, and a place to explore and expand their faith. “Pastor” Levi and team needed a kitchen overhaul and some site improvements to aid in their outreach. Of course we love make-overs and we’re looking forward to seeing the new and improved Anchor!

Nann Gonzalez leads a long-time ministry in Romania called Father’s Care Ministry. Our gift will ensure that FCM will be able to reach out to more orphans and foster children through their summer Vacation Bible School Program this summer because of the connection they made with our members who         voted to give them the International Grant.

We are thrilled for our winners, and our members who are also winners for taking the time to care and give of themselves and their treasure. We have no idea the trickle down effect God will use to touch many more through these organizations.

Grant Winners for 2015

Thursday, October 29th, 2015

 Our SEEDS international gift to Far Reaching Ministry’s ARMY of Chaplains, clothed and shod these heroic nations, and gifted them with sermons and Bible passages to fill their minds with hope and direction.  “Never before in the history of Far Reaching Ministries have we had a new class of chaplains funded fully for their uniforms and iPods!” After a year of training, these chaplain armies are deployed to the front lines, providing spiritual strength to the troups and protecting any women and children who need them. What a privilege to be behind them in some small way.

Willy Briscoe and Hope Leadership Foundation

“Today’s Hope for Tomorrow’s Leaders”

We spent an afternoon with Willie Briscoe at Hope Leadership Foundation in Barrio Logan. He has taken his fatherless childhood and turned it into motivation to help youths in similar situations. Beginning with grade 3, he has constructed an after-school program that provides a safe environment, homework assistance, spiritual training, and field trips–SEEDS bought HLF a van. “We desire to help youth realize and actualize their potential by providing spiritual mentorship, educational and athletic support along with exposure to the arts, while helping them meet their most basic needs. We desire to see San Diego changed one kid at a time.”

Grant Winners for 2014

Friday, July 11th, 2014


Our local grant went to the amazing San Diego Rescue Mission! Most of us had never been to this hospital-turned-homeless shelter in city center San Diego. This non-profit, average gift of $35, runs a tight, but respectful and loving ship. We replaced their old dryers with new ones (yay! we know the impact that can have!), and also helped with some computer stuff. (This room is where the mothers and children sleep.)



Our international grant went to Ellilta International (EWAR), a ministry in Ethiopia rescuing trafficked women and girls.  We funded, in part, a skills/job training program that would allow these women to leave the sex trade and be able to support themselves and themselves and their families. EWAR has witnessed over 1000 women–  90% success rate – go on to lead a life free of prostitution.





Grant Winners for 2013

Wednesday, June 11th, 2014

Pro-life organizations have been on our radar for many years, yet Alternatives Women’s Center is setting a new standard for Christian and other pregnancy centers, is really exciting to us.  The SEEDS grant money provided the start up costs needed for a strong preventive program that will make a difference in our community and continue to serve as a model for other women’s centers. Alternatives spends 90 minutes with each client; it is in this context, and every subsequent visit, that they share how God views each girl, how special they are made by Him, and that He desires a personal relationship with them.

IMG_1645“Women who come into Alternatives for a pregnancy test often find they are not pregnant and are so relieved they turn off their listening ears to further education concerning the importance of STI/STD testing, sexual health, and integrity. They do not realize that their behaviors will affect their sexual health even as far as fertility. The STI infection rate is so ubiquitous it is affecting the fertility and general health of the overall population. Currently over 90 million people in the United States have a sexually transmitted disease.”


KibbutzyBNgProject Canaan is a 2,500-acre, large-scale land development project in Swaziland being designed by business people to come alongside Africans and bring expertise, resources, and heart together to help them find a holistic solution to a complex set of issues. PC will provide training and employment, grow large amounts of food to stimulate the local economy and allow for export. They work with dozens of HIV/AIDS women, either widowed or abandoned, who are vulnerable to predators of all kinds yet doing their best to stay alive and care for their children. Pictured here is the Sicalo Lesisha Kibbutz (meaning “New Beginning” or “Fresh Start”), built to provide these widows and abandoned mothers with a safe and secure home for themselves and their children in a sustainable environment. Our SEEDS gift contributed to the construction of 1 1/2 units.